Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Joe Versus the Volcano Inspired . . . Trunks!

So. Yeah, it’s been awhile. Mind you, I keep a running list of topics (with links!) on which to write . . . it’s just been finding the time to write that’s kept me from doing so. So, sorry, my 3 dedicated readers.

I recently re-watched (for the billionth time) the classic film Joe Versus The Volcano . It is appropriate that I love that movie, considering it’s one of the more whimsical films out there. Brain clouds, suicide by volcano, a tribe of South Pacific Islanders who only want orange soda?

Everyone remembers Joe’s trunks. He buys four of them in Manhattan, at such a hefty (unrevealed) price it prompts the salesman to say, “May you live to be a thousand years old, sir.” I don’t know about you, but the salespeople at Payless Shoes have never said that to me. He then goes on to use the four trunks as a raft that saves his and Meg Ryan’s lives (back before the lip injections, so she was worth saving).

Anyhoo, today’s post is in honor of that movie and those trunks. Decorating with trunks and suitcases is nothing new, but it is a favorite of mine. Especially vintage, old stuff. There aren’t a ton of links for ones to buy here, because you really just need to start heading to your local flea markets and thrift shops and hunt them down.

What to do with them? With trunks, use them as a coffee table or as storage or a bench at the foot of your bed. You’d obviously want flat-topped (as opposed to domed) trunks for this purpose. The more brass, buckles, leather straps, and wear and tear the better, in my humble opinion.

Here’s a link to some vintage ones sold online at Brettun’s Village.

Here’s a great one for sale, but, since this is Pottery Barn, its $1300.

What? I’ll just get a vintage one, thanks. Lots of stores carry versions from time to time… Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, etc.. . . you just have to look.

This armored trunk is pretty fabulous. Less than $300, and look at all the colors it comes in! This is a different, but equally fabulous, decor idea-- it's not vintagey, but it's very mod. Consider your existing furnishings and the look you're going for when picking out any new piece of furniture or decoration. The white and silver would work in almost any décor. The navy and wine are really sleek. Get the purple or pink for a kid’s room…

Look at how great these look . . .

For vintage suitcases, the most popular use is to stack them. You can stack them anywhere as “art” or just to show them off, or you can stack them to make tables, like end tables. Depending on what sort of look you’re going for, I’d get matching suitcases for a more elegant look, and mismatched in color and size for a more vintagey, bohemian look.
Here’s a picture of matching ones as a bedside table. Gorgeous:

Here are some mismatched ones stacked as an entry table. How great is that hallway?

Brettun’s Village also has an ever-changing: selection of suitcases, too.

Of course, if you’re really into DIY are are very handy, the options are unlimited! Take a look at this suitcase chair and ottoman. Fantastic.

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